Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in English
Magna cum Laude
(Highest Academic Awardee A.Y. 2020-2021)

Editor-in-Chief, Limpid 2018-2021
Vice Governor, English Aristocrats 2018-2021

Departmental Exam Rank 1 (Eng 1, Eng 2, SS 1, SS 2, and Educ 9) (A.Y. 2017-2019)
Departmental Exam Rank 2 (English 3, Education 3) (A.Y. 2018-2019)
Departmental Exam Rank 5 (Filipino 1, Education 1) (A.Y. 2017-2018)
Departmental Exam Rank 6 (Math +) (A.Y. 2017-2018)
Departmental Exam Rank 9 (Filipino 2) (A.Y. 2018-2019)
Best Debater Interdepartmental Debate (November 2019)
Interdepartmental Debate Winning Team (November 2019)
2nd Placer Buwan ng Wika Talumpati (August 2018)
2nd Placer Nutrition Month Extemporaneous Speech (July 2018)
1st Placer Intramurals Extemporaneous Speech (September 2018)